13 Feb Tips to Keep Your Fitness Resolution on Track this Year
If you’re like most people, you’re trying to juggle a career, family, and stay healthy – which some days can leave you feeling like an extra at the circus. It’s all too easy to burn out after that New Year’s resolution, too…which is why the gyms fill up in January and the regulars are happy to see the resolution-ers go come mid-February. We came up with a list of tips to keep you going strong even as the going gets tough.
Here’s a list of pointers to help you keep all those balls in the air…
- Temporary Pain: If you’re a little sore when you start working out, but after getting warmed up and loose you feel good, chances are you’re good to go! The converse of this is that you should pay attention to any pain that persists or increases during your activity. That could point to a bigger problem and should be evaluated.
- How’s Your Sleep?: There is a difference in being sore from a work out and being in pain. Anything that is severe enough to affect your sleep or to wake you up may be indicative of an injury. Pay attention to how you’re sleeping (or not) when you consider any discomfort.
- Build in Rest: There is such a thing as too many work out days. Your body can become overly fatigued and you’ll actually be more likely to suffer an injury. When you’re working on your fitness remember that rest is an important part of that plan. Build in some days dedicated to rest and you’ll see results.
- Pronation: You’ve heard about over or under pronating but it’s important to understand that pronation isn’t a disease. We all walk or run differently. Unless you have pain when you walk or run, you’re getting along fine. Don’t let that store up-sell you a pair of shoes based on how it “corrects” your pronation. If you do have pain when you walk or run, see a physical therapist for an evaluation.
- Beware of DIYing some PT: The internet can be a force for good but it has a potential downside, too. If you self-diagnose and then self-treat after a rough day at the gym, you run many risks. You may be incorrect about what is actually wrong, you may be watching the wrong video on YouTube, and you also may be performing the physical therapy exercises incorrectly (assuming you were right on the other two factors). If you’re getting knocked off course in your quest for fitness, see a qualified physical therapist who can assess and treat you and don’t be tempted to do this yourself. DIY is great when it comes to home improvement…and not always then either. Be smart and see a pro.
If you need help getting started with a fitness plan, Body One Physical Therapy is a great place to start. Our Sustained Optimal Performance (SOP) plan is ideal for anyone who wants to take charge of his/her health. One of our highly-trained and specialized physical therapists will meet and assess you, then tailor a plan to address your goals, as well as any movement, strength, or balance issues. The SOP plan may even qualify under your HSA for distribution of payment under the wellness and prevention services. Of course if you’re struggling with pain, movement or balance issues, and can’t get your fitness plan off the ground, we can help with that, too! Body One Physical Therapy is locally-owned with five convenient locations serving central Indiana: Downtown Indianapolis, North Indianapolis, South Indianapolis, Zionsville, and Fishers. Let us help you make this year your best – call us today!