Six Ways to Stay Connected – and Healthy – While You Exercise

As we head into colder weather while still fighting the pandemic, many gyms limit occupancy, and plenty of us have limited our in-person workouts. For people used to the social aspect of a shared training session, it can grow lonely and frustrating – especially for those who often share in distance activities like running or biking, or enjoy the camaraderie of group classes or the gym. Here are six ways to stay connected – and safe – while exercising this winter… and keep your health, and spirits, intact:


  • Apps: It may not be the same as being there in person, but linking up with friends over apps on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop can be a fun way to share your progress (or even challenge your friends)! Some apps are activity specific, while others offer a choice of activities. Search your app platform for one that fits your interest, connect with your friends, and get started!


  • Virtual workouts: We’ve all grown used to virtual meetings, so a virtual workout isn’t that much different. You can get a group of friends together for a tough HIIT session, weight lifting, Yoga, and more, all through the screen of your connected device.


  • Phone workouts: If you’re a distance runner or cyclist missing your partner, why not use your earbuds and your smartphone to connect during your run or ride! If it’s an easy, slow day when you’d be at a conversational pace, set up a call with your mileage buddy and chat the way you would side-by-side. You won’t notice the miles passing!


  • Virtual events: While completing a virtual event doesn’t have the same excitement and race-day feel that an in-person event does, there are plenty of virtual events you can sign up for: from walkers to runners to cyclists. Many of these events have result-posting requirements, shirts, medals, and other race swag like you’d enjoy from an in-person event. Sign up with a friend or group for added fun!


  • Social media: If your friends aren’t into your favorite exercise or activity, no sweat. There are groups on many social media channels you can join or follow, and connect with people across the country (and often world) who love your favorite sport, activity, or exercise.


  • Future plans: By setting up plans for when it’s safer to enjoy group activities – whether it’s a race, a new class at the gym, a fitness challenge – you’ll have something to look forward to with friends and fellow activity fans.


It’s important for our mental health to stay both active and connected with others. The pandemic has dramatically altered the way that most of us  go about our daily lives and fitness is no exception. By taking advantage of creative activities, tech, and planning, you can stay active and share them with friends, competitors, and other fitness enthusiasts. Try different ways to stay active and connected and see what works best for you!

If you need help getting or staying active, due to pain, mobility, or movement problems of the musculoskeletal system, Body One PT is here to help. We’re both locally-owned and operated, with three locations serving Central Indianapolis: North Indy/Carmel, Fishers, and Zionsville. Our team of caring, expert PTs works with clients of all ages and activity levels and we’d love to help you get back to feeling your best. Body One is only a call or click away. Don’t wait, find out why we’re Indy’s best PT practice – call today!





