01 Jul Patient Success Spotlight: Return to Running!
We know how hard our patients work to reach their goals – and how hard our providers work with them along the way. That’s why it’s always great when we can take a moment to highlight one of our most recent success stories in a Patient Success Spotlight. In this spotlight, we’re showcasing one of Dr. Tara Dawson‘s patients, Beverly Bowser. Bev came to see Dr. Dawson with a common complaint we hear among runners: she was having pain that limited her running…and she wanted to get back to running as soon as possible! Tara went to work and we’re happy to share Bev’s answers below in our Spotlight Q&A:
Q. What are some of your interests and hobbies?
A. I I enjoy running all distances with my wonderful Team Awesome, a group of wonderful friends that have become more than running buddies.
Q. What issue or injury brought you to Body One?
A. Leg nerve tension
Q. How did you hear about Body One?
A. An orthopedic surgeon
Q. Who was your provider?
A. Dr. Tara Dawson
Q. What was your biggest challenge during your recovery?
A. Being patient with the healing process!
Q. What was your biggest success?
A. Being able to run a long run with my friends.
Q. What are some goals you’ve set?
A. By the end of 2021, running several races and regaining my endurance.
Q. What are some goals you’ve reached?
A. Running a half marathon without pain!
Q. What else would you like to share about your physical therapy and recovery experience?
A. Tara was a professional physical therapist, who listened and gave practical advice. Her words would resonate during my exercises and daily activities. There aren’t enough words to express my gratitude for her willingness to give achievable goals with hard work. I would recommend Tara and the entire Body One Team to any runner with PT needs.
Bev’s story is unique to her, but shares common themes with many of our patients. It’s often hard to be patient with the PT process, for example. One way we can encourage patients is to put the same amount of drive, determination, and effort into their recovery that they do into their usual training or activities. Hard work pays off! Goal setting can also be a great way to help keep your motivation up, especially through the inevitable challenges that arise throughout your rehab. We’re thrilled that Bev is able to return to the sport she loves and enjoy it pain-free!
If you’re a runner struggling with pain or injury, like Bev was, our team is ready to help. Our team of experts works with patients of all ages and activity levels and we’re ready to get you moving in the right direction – like across that finish line! We are both locally owned and operated, with three locations serving Central Indianapolis: North Meridian, Fishers, and Zionsville. Call or click for more information.