23 Oct Maple Sausage & Zucchini Quiche
By: Chelsea Savage, PT, DPT, OCS
I love quiches – they are one of my favorites for any meal of the day. I make this quiche in a 9×13 pan, so I guess it’s a “casserole” but quiche just sounds much fancier. I love this recipe for many reasons – its low carb, make-a-head friendly, and packed with veggies but tastes delightful.
I start grating 2 large zucchinis and half of a large sweet onion. You can take the time now to squeeze the water out of your grated zucchini, but I did not and the quiche still turned out great. Mix in 2 eggs, salt, pepper and 1t garlic powder. Stir well and then spread into a crust on the bottom of a large pan. I easily patted my “crust” up the sides of the pan with a spatula. Bake on 350 for 35-45 mins while you prep the rest.
I chopped the other half of my sweet onion and a package of Applegate chicken maple sausages and sautéed on low heat in a skillet until the onion was caramelized. Meanwhile, I diced a small yellow and red pepper and tore my kale into bite sized pieces. I used ~1C of each veggie in the end and you can easily alter the recipe and use whatever veggies you have. I scrambled a dozen eggs and added salt, pepper, 2t mustard powder, garlic powder and Italian seasoning and 1t of cayenne.
When your crust is starting and feels set, remove from the oven and layer in your veggies and meat (if you chose). Gently pour over your egg mixture and top with some shredded cheese – I chose sharp cheddar for some cheesy gooey glory. You have to mask all those veggies with something! 😉 Bake at 350 for ~45 minutes or until your eggs are set and your cheese is golden.
Wala! In our house, this is breakfast for the week for my husband and I. Full of healthy veggies and protein to keep us going until lunch. If you are watching your fat content you can always substitute egg whites instead of whole eggs for an easy swap, or leave out the meat/cheese entirely. Enjoy!