30 Jan The Importance of Finding the Right Shoe for the Job
By: Mike Ploski, PT, ATC, OCS
Walking is a simple activity with numerous health benefits, as highlighted in Dr. Chelsea Savage‘s recent blog article. If you’re ready to start a walking program, you’ve likely considered your schedule and set aside the time. You’ve identified a safe path in your neighborhood, or an indoor space protected from the weather. You printed out your step tracking sheet and are using a pedometer, app, or smart watch. You’ve been consistent with your home exercise program and now have better strength and flexibility. What else do you need? What is the one piece of equipment critical for your success? As Spike Lee tells Michael Jordan in his classic Nike ad, “It’s gotta’ be the shoes!”
Patients often ask, what is the best shoe? What’s the best brand? Looking at the wall of shoes in any shoe store can be daunting. Let’s review some important considerations when it comes time to invest in a proper walking shoe.
Athletic shoes are specifically designed for specific sports. Golf shoes are designed to have traction, bowling shoes are designed to slide, court shoes are designed for sudden changes in direction. Walking shoes are designed to provide a balance between cushion and stability. They are typically lightweight and breathable, flexible to allow for proper push-off, as well as cushioned to reduce impact. A good running shoe is typically great for walking; however, a walking shoe is not always appropriate for running.
Consider where you plan to walk and narrow your choices between one of these categories: Running shoes are best for pavement. They are lightweight, and appropriate for either walking or running. Hiking shoes are a good option for paths in urban parks or greenbelts and surfaces like cobblestone streets and gravel paths. They also work if you want one pair of shoes for hiking and walking, or if you want extra durability or stability. Trail-running shoes are also good for non-paved terrain and offer a compromise between the performance of a running shoe and the stability of a hiking shoe.
The most important feature of a good walking shoe is the fit. The shoe should be the appropriate length and width. The time of day you shop for shoes can make a difference. Shop near the end of your day, when your foot is swollen and feels the worst to get the best fit. In addition, the shoe should fit your foot type. If you have a “flat foot,” you may need more stability. If you have a high arch, you may need more cushion and shock absorption. All major shoe brands come in a range between “stability” and “neutral” types. Your physical therapist, or the staff at a good shoe stores can help steer you in the right direction.
Depending upon your foot type, you may need more or less stability. When you bend a good walking shoe, it should bend at the toes, not in the arch. You should not be able to twist a good walking shoe. It should have a stable heel from side to side. And if you are an over-pronator, it should have good arch support.
Walking shoes typically need to be replaced more often than a regular shoe. When the bottom of the shoe looks worn, it may no longer provide good support and should be replaced. More important than the age of the shoe is the mileage. A walking shoe should typically last ~ 300 – 400 miles.
Like tires on a car, shoes are literally where the rubber meets the road. Walking in the right shoe can help minimize injury risk, and keep you headed in the right direction. If you need help choosing the right shoe, or are dealing with pain, movement, or mobility issues, we’re here to help! Body One has three locations serving North Indy: Fishers, North Meridian, and Zionsville.