Body One Blog

Ingredients 1 cucumber 1⁄4 cup vinegar 3⁄4 cup water 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons sugar 1 dash pepper Slice the cucumber very thinly and sprinkle with salt, let stand for an hour. Combine all other ingredients in a bowl, stir, chill. ...

by Matthew Zaudtke, PT, DPT, ATC, OCS As the temperature begins to warm, many golfers dust off their clubs and prepare for an exciting season of golf. Some play the occasional round here and there, while others hit the range any time the weather allows. No...

Mike Ploski followed an interesting route to his successful career as a physical therapist: Mike was a certified athletic trainer and med school student who realized that he just didn't enjoy med school – but he loved his work as an athletic trainer. The move...