27 May What’s Your Motivation?
I have a friend, Tyler, who is a college professor. While discussing student achievement, he has come to believe that a primary determinant of student success or failure is motivation. Given the right motivation, Tyler suggests, students can achieve great things. Lets say we give them $500, they are likely to figure out how to create a video blog and post it on YouTube. Without the $500, there must be some other drive that exists in order to achieve success. In the absence of the right motivation he infers, students regress to mediocrity. Interesting.
As I thought about this, the first question that came to mind was what’s my motivation? It occurred to me that during periods of decidedly high levels of performance and achievement, I had been motivated by lofty goals. Play Football. Play Softball. Golf. Complete a Duathalon. Play Hockey. Lose weight. Ride across Michigan. Big goals and the desire to be competitive required high levels of motivation. However, I realize now that my goals not as clear as they were just a year ago. What’s my motivation?
Most of us suffer from a lack of direction, motivation, or tangible goals at some point in our lives. Perhaps you are lacking direction at this very juncture regarding your physical health and mobility. While I see patients every day who are highly motivated and focused on attaining a goal through physical therapy to return to an active life, I see others who are wandering, drifting, stalled in time, lacking motivation. Not lazy, but not energized by a dream or a goal bigger than the life they are currently living. Often these individuals struggle to realize their full potential to live an active lifestyle. How can you propel yourself forward with enthusiasm and direction? What’s your motivation?
If your lack of motivation is keeping you from reaching your goal to live an active life, we can help. If your lack of motivation is because of your physical pain, we can help. If your lack of motivation is due to a question or concern about your musculoskeletal health, we can help. And my motivation? To help you get your mo-jo back by providing a practice of providers and staff who are caring, highly skilled, and delighted to be of assistance. And maybe, just maybe, to ride across Michigan again this summer.
To your motivation and good movement,