The Do’s and Don’ts of Taking Your Fitness on Vacation With You

Summer is finally here and with it, those long overdue summer vacation plans for many of us. Plenty of people want to take a break without breaking their fitness routine, but figuring in workouts while traveling can be a real challenge. We came up with some Do’s and Don’ts for trying to stay on the workout wagon while taking a well-earned break this summer!

Do Plan Ahead: If you know where you’ll be staying, scope out their fitness room for any equipment or classes that you might be interested in. Similarly, investigate local routes for runs or bike rentals, or try a sunset beach yoga class! You can integrate an unforgettable experience into your vacation with just a little research and planning. Also be sure to let someone know where you’ll be in case you run into any problems.

Do Pack Accordingly: This means packing your regular shoes, workout clothes, and any other gear that you normally need for your fitness routine. You don’t have to bring your entire home gym; however, breaking in new shoes while out of town is recommended by exactly no one!

Do Bring Important Medication: Put simply, something like a rescue inhaler could save your life. You’ll be away from home and maybe in a different climate. The altitude, local flora, and atmosphere could combine to wreak havoc on your airways. You could also pick up an unfortunate traveler’s cold. Bringing along important medication if you have conditions like allergies or asthma is vital to your health!

Don’t Forget Sunscreen: It should go without saying that applying sunscreen is a good choice for your skin and your overall health. Yet it’s easy to forget regular applications when you’re traveling and active. Our tip: buy a good active-formula SPF of 30 or higher and keep a small spray can in your purse or bag. Remember to re-apply when you stop for water breaks.

Don’t Skimp on Hydration: You may have your routine down cold at home, but the same fitness routine in a different climate may be dramatically harder on your body. Allow for more water breaks, and if you’re vacationing anywhere sunny and hot, try to get out and active early to avoid the heat of the day. Know the signs of heat illness and stop your workout if you suspect you’re overheating.

Don’t Ignore Altitude: There’s a reason that sports teams take a few days to acclimate to high altitude cities before playing that season’s big game. Don’t travel to a high altitude and immediately pursue strenuous activity. You might experience shortness of breath, headaches, or other altitude sickness that lessens or disappears once your body acclimates.

Don’t Throw Healthy Eating Overboard: While it’s tempting to indulge while on vacation, don’t use it as an excuse to forget healthy food choices. Enjoy some rich food – but in moderation.

There’s no reason you can’t enjoy a relaxing vacation this summer and keep your fitness routine on track. With some planning and common sense, you can have a great time on your travels and have some new enriching experiences, too!

Body One Physical Therapy is a locally-owned practice with four locations in Central Indiana making it easy to find the office that best suits your schedule: North Indianapolis, South Indianapolis, Fishers, and Zionsville. We help clients of all ages and activity levels and we’d love to help you, too. Our providers are highly-educated, experienced, and compassionate and look at treating you as a whole and how to help you best return to an active, healthy lifestyle. Call us today and talk with one of our team members to find out more!