13 Mar Coronavirus (Covid-19) Announcement
The safety and health of our community – including our loyal patients, therapists, and team members – is of the utmost importance to us. Body One Physical Therapy has taken the concerns of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) very seriously since its emergence and continues to monitor the situation as it develops.
As of today, our offices remain open for in-person appointments and Tele-PT. We are following the advice of the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and have taken immediate action to prevent the spread of the virus. In addition to our standard procedures of sanitizing waiting rooms, patient rooms, and all office areas on a regular basis, we are taking extra measures to bring patients back to exam rooms efficiently in order to minimize their time spent in shared public spaces.
As we have instructed our team members, we encourage patients to wash their hands regularly and avoid touching their face or public surfaces. We also require wearing a mask upon entering our clinics. Body One asks that those exhibiting even mild symptoms, such as a sore throat, cough, and fever, to call the office to reschedule their appointment. We understand the need to accommodate rescheduling requests and will do our best to accommodate our patients.
We will continue to monitor the public health concerns and refer to the ISDH and CDC’s website for guidance. These extra precautions will continue until the pandemic is over to ensure patient health and the health of our team. We understand that the circumstances continue to change. Our goal is to provide a welcoming experience for patients in our community.
If you have additional concerns, please call your local Body One office or access information at the links below:
Body One Fishers: 317.567.8500
Body One North Meridian/Carmel: 317.581.1890
Body One Zionsville: 317.733.2800
ISDH website: https://on.in.gov/COVID19
CDC website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.