12 Oct Why Annual PT Exams Are So Important
If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Right? Wrong. When it comes to your body it’s vital to have yearly physicals. Not only do physicals put you and your health care providers in touch about your body but it’s actually been shown that yearly physicals lead to living longer and healthier lives. Similar to a yearly check up with your physician or dentist, it is now recommended that people regularly follow up with their physical therapist to maintain and improve the health of our bodies and musculoskeletal system. That’s why we created our Annual PT Exam to offer comprehensive musculoskeletal evaluation and expert recommendations.
The reason why physicals can lead to better and healthier lives is they’re preventive in nature. In addition to following up with their physical therapist regarding an injury or pain, people are now checking in with these movement-specialists because they want to know how their body is doing. Physicals assist both physical therapists and patients in gaining information about that individual’s body and life. Our Annual PT Exam is specially designed by Body One Physical Therapists to address concerns of the musculoskeletal system and to improve how you move and feel.
Although our Annual PT Exam is not typically covered by insurance, problems uncovered during this complete evaluation may lead to necessary future appointments which would be covered. At your Annual PT Exam, your physical therapist will perform an evaluation to identify current and potential problems in the context of your specific goals. In addition to screening for conditions that may require consult with your primary care physician, the physical therapist is uniquely qualified to examine your endurance, balance, strength, flexibility, and more.
Physicals are a great resource, not only because they provide insight into how your body is functioning, but also your physical therapist is able to answer any questions you may have about your health and lifestyle. If a physical therapist does see something in a patient’s life that should be modified they can help steer them in the right direction.
“We recommend that all of our patients get yearly Annual PT Exams performed by a certified and licensed physical therapist,” Dr. Matt Zaudtke, from our North Meridian location said. “Our mentality is to be safe rather than sorry and aid a patient in making changes to improve their way of life before an issue should develop.”
Another benefit of an annual physical therapy exam is a stronger relationship built between physical therapists and patients. One that most likely would not form if a patient was seen only after an injury or problem has already occurred. A stronger relationship creates an open line of communication and develops comfort. Preventive medicine is one of the greatest tools a person can tap into. Seeing a physical therapist before starting a new workout routine, making a lifestyle change, playing a sport, etc. is beneficial because they can assist in preparing for that change, or if they detect anything, an intervention can be made before it becomes a life-impacting event.
If you have questions about how the Body One Annual PT Exam could benefit you, please contact one of our locally-owned and operated clinics: Fishers, North Meridian, Zionsville. If you’re looking for the perfect holiday or birthday gift, you can also offer the gift of better health: give your loved one a PT Exam gift card this year!