24 Nov How to Lift Things – and Avoid Injury – this Holiday Season
This time of year you're likely to be lifting lots of different things: heavy bags or platters of food, holiday decorations, gifts, clutter, shovels filled with snow*...
This time of year you're likely to be lifting lots of different things: heavy bags or platters of food, holiday decorations, gifts, clutter, shovels filled with snow*...
One common factor has remained throughout the whole of 2020: being outside is better than being inside. The fresh air, the sunlight, the breeze, even the humidity...
When you're taking advantage of some extra-warm fall weather, you may be more likely to overdo your activity, leading to possible overuse injury. Whether you've had a busy summer season or you've been less active, overuse injury can strike anyone under the right (or wrong)...
As busy as you are every day, it's hard to put yourself first - which is why many of us suffer with health problems and chronic pain, old injury, and new injuries we try to treat at home using ice and internet searches. It's also...
As we transition from long, hot days to shorter, colder weather, plenty of us plan some late-season yard work before heading inside for the winter. Although your weekend outdoor labor doesn't feel the same as time spent at the gym, if you're not careful, you...
Rest. It sounds simple, but so many of us fail to do it very well - even when our bodies demand it. Whether it's work, family, fitness, or other demands stealing your energy, getting enough rest is key to staying healthy and recovering after a...
ACL injuries can be both painful and serious; as with so many conditions, preventing an injury is better than having to treat one later. In this video, Body One's Dr. Matt Zaudtke shares some helpful info about the ACL, as well as ways to help...
If you could just stay home and do physical therapy yourself: reduce pain and discomfort, while improving mobility, range-of-motion, movement, and how you feel, why wouldn't you want to just turn to the crystal ball of the internet for answers and get started! The truth...
Are you trying to keep your health on track, no matter what the year 2020 has thrown your way? First off, good job! It's always easier to give up and grab ::insert your favorite snack here:: and watch your favorite show, than it is to...
By: Dr. Tara Dawson, PT, DPT Body One Orthopedic Resident Whether you are new to running or caught the running bug a long time ago, proper joint mobility and muscle strength are essential components in injury prevention. As a distance runner myself, I can attest to...