02 Jun Understanding Spine Issues
Did you know that nearly 80% of the population will experience pain or other issues with their spine in their lifetime? Ryan Cotton explains more, and how you can take a preventative approach to caring for your spine....
02 Jun Can Stress Affect Your Breathing AND Your Movement? How Your Stress May be Making You Feel Worse & Work Harder
Uncertain times have affected us all in many different ways and contexts. Some in big ways such as working from home and being a teacher simultaneously, some in smaller ways that make it harder to appreciate subtle differences in everyday life. While I believe we...
02 Jun Yard Work Can be a Great Work Out! Follow These Tips to Stay Healthy this Summer
by: Dr. Todd Rech, MPT While our lives have all been altered in some way by COVID-19, I believe our yards will benefit! I have observed a lot more people in their yards tending to spring projects. Working in the yard can be a great way...
02 Jun Movement Matters: Control What You Can and Leave the Rest!
May was Mental Health Awareness month, and never in my memory have so many of us struggled with isolation, anxiety, and depression brought on by the shared (at a safe distance!) experience of Covid-19. Not only have friends and loved ones been ill or succumbed...
02 Jun Is Running Bad for Me? A Look at How Running Can Impact Your Joints (Or Not)
Most of us know that movement and exercise provide many overall health benefits. But, some of us still worry whether specific types of exercise can potentially be harmful for our bodies. Running tends to be an exercise that causes people to worry about the impact...
28 May Starting a New Activity or Workout? Here’s How to do It Safely
Whether you're one of the thousands spending the pandemic trying to bake sourdough bread, finally organize your junk drawers, or binge watching new shows on TV, plenty of us are concerned with staying both active and healthy. People are turning to both indoor and outdoor...
25 May What I Did on My Pandemic Break
Like many of you, we have had some time on our hands. Oh, sure, we have been continuing to care for our patients with in-practice visits and through Tele-PT, but our patient visits have been down 50% for about 8 weeks now. After our initial...
21 May How do You Measure Up? Three PT Check Points Explained
You my not think about seeing a physical therapist until an acute injury demands it; however, there are three factors that you can assess right now, at home, to see if you'd benefit by seeing a physical therapist before injury comes knocking on your door....
19 May Preventing Injury in New Runners: 5 Ways to Succeed and Dodge the Injury Bug
With so many people working from home and practicing social distancing, the number of people who have decided to work on their fitness is also skyrocketing. Many people who haven't run since back in gym class are breaking a pair of new shoes and lacing...
14 May Three Things that Can Make Lower Back Pain Worse (& How to Fix Them)
Lower back pain is so common you've probably already experienced it; if you haven't, the numbers alone say you probably will (sorry). Daily activities, recreation, and simple motions can all trigger or irritate existing back pain – but there are certain factors that will make...