22 Dec 16 Community Partners and Worthy Recipients of Your Benevolence as 2017 Ends
Posted at 12:50h
in Daily Life
As 2017 ends, we wanted to remind you to please consider making a donation to one or more of our community partners, or other vital groups that strive to improve the lives and health of people in our Central Indiana communities. This is who we are fighting for:
- Fight for the Homeless: Wheeler Mission
- Fight for Kids: Shepherd Community Center
- Fight for Disabilities Awareness: Joseph Maley Foundation
- Fight for Families in Need: The Salvation Army
- Fight for Shelter: Habitat for Humanity of Greater Indianapolis
- Fight for Mentors for Kids: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana
- Fight for our Animal Friends: Humane Society of Indianapolis
- Fight for Breath: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Fight Against Parkinson’s: Rock Steady Boxing or Indiana Parkinson Foundation
- Fight for Children: The Children’s TherAplay Foundation
- Fight for Heart Health: American Heart Association
- Fight for Diabetes Research: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
- Fight for Organ Donation Awareness: Justin’s Run 4 Hope
- Fight for Cancer Awareness and Support: American Cancer Society
- Fight for those who are Hungry: Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana
- Fight for Suicide Prevention: Out of the Darkness