Challenge 3: Better Sleep Challenge

Sleep is one of the most important ways our body can recover from daily stress and physical activity; unfortunately, many of us don’t get enough good, quality sleep. Take this challenge opportunity to improve your sleep – as well as how you feel physically and mentally!

To begin the challenge:

  • (Optional)Take our sleep quiz here.
  • Pick a day to start your challenge.
  • Improve your sleep quality by:
  • Turning off electronic devices 1 hour before bed
  • Keeping your bedroom cool and dark
  • Developing a regular bedtime routine
  • Adding one or two extra hours of sleep whenever possible
  • Track your progress using our printable self-care sheet below.
  • Feel better and more energized as you improve your sleep!

Fitness Gear:

Body One Clip-On Pedometer: $5

Body One Movement Matters Fitness Bundle (includes pedometer, Theraband, Body One t-shirt): $10

*to purchase, contact one of the Body One clinics 


Stay tuned for more challenges!

Give the Gift of Wellness

Give the gift of wellness! Contact the Body One Physical Therapy front office to purchase a gift certificate in the amount of your choice. Print your certificate here!