Why You Should Have a Workout Partner

Do you need motivation to get moving or work toward a fitness goal? Have you gotten bored lately with your usual workout routine? Try adding a partner! There are real benefits to working out with a buddy, and we share why sometimes, two (or more) can be better than one.

How Having a Workout Partner Helps

  • It Keeps You Accountable: It’s much easier to roll over and hit the snooze button – or skip out on a workout altogether – when it’s just you. When you know your friend is meeting you for an early bike ride, it forces you to get up and get moving!
  • You Can Set Bigger Goals: You may feel more comfortable setting bigger goals with a friend by your side! From a longer race to a serious ride to getting more competitive with sports, having a friend who shares your interests and desire to improve can help you dream big.
  • You Have Built-In Support: Sure, your friends and significant other may support you; however, if they don’t like your sport or aren’t interested, it’s pretty hard for them to relate to your workout woes or training tales. Your workout partner, on the other hand, can likely totally empathize with whatever your challenges are!
  • It’s Safer: For many sports, like distance running, hiking, biking, etc. you’ll spend a fair amount of time in areas a good distance from home, away from other people, and often by yourself. Having a partner offers safety – from being able to provide assistance in the event of injury, to helping deter potential would-be threats.
  • It’s Fun: No matter how much you love your workout, there are times it can feel like a real grind. Having a partner (or more) offers the enjoyment of shared activity, friendship, and solidarity, all while working toward a healthy pursuit.

Can’t find anyone who shares your favorite workout? Consider joining a gym where you’ll be around like-minded people, or following forums on social media dedicated to your favorite activities. You can also invite friends along to less-intense versions of your activity; if you’re a marathoner, see if they’re up for a fun-themed 5K. You can also join group classes at your nearby gym or YMCA, helping you gain many of the benefits of partner-workouts.

If you need help getting started on your fitness, or find yourself limited with your favorite activities, Body One Physical Therapy is here to help. We’re locally-owned and operated, with three locations serving Central Indiana: North Indianapolis, Fishers, and Zionsville. Worried about aches or pains? See one of our expert physical therapists for a FREE Injury Screening! Our team of caring, compassionate physical therapists sees clients of all ages and activity levels and we can’t wait to get started on your recovery: Call Today.
